Source code for openalea.mtg.util

# -*- python -*-
#       OpenAlea.mtg
#       Copyright 2008-2009 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA  
#       File author(s): Christophe Pradal <>
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :

Different utilities such as plot2D, plot3D, and so on...

from openalea.mtg import *
from openalea.mtg.traversal import *

[docs] def mtg_plot(g, scales=1): import pydot uniq_scales = set(g._scale.values()) #cluster2.set_bgcolor('#000fff') #pydot_graph = pydot.graph_from_edges(((f(x), f(y)) for x, y in g.iteredges(scale=scale))) callgraph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph',fontname="Verdana") label ='label') scale = g._scale for s in uniq_scales: print(s) #cluster2 = pydot.Cluster('U2') #cluster2.add_edge(pydot.Edge('I4', 'I5')) #callgraph.add_subgraph(cluster2) #callgraph.write_png('cluster.png') #if label: # f = lambda id: label.get(id, str(id)) #else: # f = str callgraph.write_png('cluster.png')
[docs] def plot2d(g, image_name, scale=None, orientation=90 ): """Compute an image of the tree via graphviz. :Parameters: - `g` (int) : an MTG object - `image_name` (str) : output filename e.g. test.png :Optional parameters: - `scale` (int): represents the MTG's scale to look at (default max) - `orientation` (int): orientation angle (default 90) """ import pydot if scale is None: scale = max(g.scales_iter()) label ='label') edges = g.iteredges(scale=scale) if label: f = lambda id: label.get(id, str(id)) else: f = str pydot_graph = pydot.graph_from_edges(((f(x), f(y)) for x, y in g.iteredges(scale=scale))) # Attributes pydot_graph.set('orientation', orientation) ext = os.path.splitext(image_name)[1].strip('.') return pydot_graph.write(image_name, prog='dot',format=ext)
[docs] def plot3d( g, scale=None ): """ Compute a 3d view of the MTG in a simple way: * sphere for the nodes and thin cylinder for the edges. """ import openalea.plantgl.all as pgl if scale is None: scale = max(g.scales()) # Vertex are sphere of radius 1/2 # edge are cylinder of radius 1/6 and length 3 points = {} edges = {} edge_type ='edge_type') root_id = next(g.roots_iter(scale=scale)) for vid in pre_order(g, root_id): parent = g.parent(vid) if parent is None: points[vid] = (0,0,0) edges = (0,0,3) else: et = edge_type[vid]
[docs] def plot_nx(g, *args, **kwds): import plot_statistic as ps