.. currentmodule:: openalea.mtg.io Reading and writing MTG ================================== MTG ---- The MTG data structure can be read/write from/to a MTG file format. The functions :func:`read_mtg` , :func:`write_mtg` , :func:`read_mtg_file`. .. autofunction:: read_mtg .. autofunction:: read_mtg_file .. autofunction:: write_mtg LPy ------------------------------------ The two functions :func:`lpy2mtg` and :func:`mtg2lpy` allow to convert the MTG data-structure into lpy and vise-versa. It ease the communication between the two modules. Each structure are traversed and the properties are copied. Properties can be any pyton object. .. autofunction:: lpy2mtg .. autofunction:: mtg2lpy AxialTree ----------------- .. autofunction:: axialtree2mtg .. autofunction:: mtg2axialtree Cpfg --------------------------- .. autofunction:: read_lsystem_string Mss ---- .. autofunction:: mtg2mss Download the source file :download:`../../src/mtg/io.py`.