Source code for openalea.mtg.plantframe.dresser

# -*- python -*-
#       OpenAlea.mtg
#       Copyright 2008-2009 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA  
#       File author(s): Christophe Pradal <>
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :
''' Data and default geometric parameters used to compute 
the geometric interpretation of a MTG (i.e. PlantFrame)

    The dressing data contains the default data that are used to define 
    the geometry of an MTG vertices (i.e. of a plant entities) 
    and to compute their geometric parameters when inference algorithms 
    cannot be applied. These data are basically constant values and may be 
    redefined in the dressing file. 
    If no dressing file is defined, default (hard-coded) values are used 
    (see `Dressing files`). The dressing file .drf , if it exists in the 
    current directory, is always used as a default dressing file.

    Objects of type DRESSING_DATA is used by primitive Plantframe. 
    It may also be used by primitive Plot when VIRTUAL_PATTERNs are plotted. 


    >>> g = MTG('a_MTG') #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> d = DressingData('file') #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> pf = PlantFrame(1, Scale=3, DressingData=d) #doctest: +SKIP
    >>> Plot(pf) #doctest: +SKIP


from math import pi
import os
from openalea.plantgl.scenegraph import AmapSymbol

[docs] class DressingData(object): """ Data and default geometric parameters. The dressing data are the default data that are used to define the geometric models associated with geometric entities and to compute their geometric parameters when inference algorithms cannot be applied. These data are basically constant values and may be redefined by the user. """ def __init__(self, **kwds): """ Build an object containing default parameters and geometric models associated to category. :Parameters: - Classes : dict between a Class name (key) and a 3D shape (value). - BranchPatterns: dict between a category and a 3D curve. - LeafClass : symbol name associated to the leaf component. - FlowerClass : symbol name associated to the flower component. - FruitClass : symbol name associated to the fruit component. - LengthUnit : Unit used to divide all the length data (default : 1) - DiameterUnit : Unit used to divide all the length data (default : 1) - AlphaUnit : Unit used to divide all the insertion angle (180/pi) - AzimuthUnit : Unit used to divide all the azimuth angle (180/pi) - DefaultEdge : Type of edge used to reconstruct a connected MTG (PLUS or LESS) - DefaultAlpha : Default insertion angle (value in degrees with respect to the horizontal plane). - DefaultTeta : Default first Euler angle - DefaultPhi : Default second Euler angle - DefaultPsi : Default third Euler angle - DefaultTrunkCategory : Default category for elements of the plant trunk. - DefaultCategory : The default category of the other axes than the trunk is their (botanical) order starting at 0 on the trunk. - Alpha : Nature of the insertion angle (Absolute or Relative) - Phyllotaxy : Phyllotaxic angle (given in degrees) or in number of turns over number of leaves for this number of turns (default : 180) - MinLength: dict betwwen Class and default value for element of class `Class`. - MinTopDiameter: dict betwwen Class and default value for element of class `Class`. - MinBottomDiameter: dict betwwen Class and default value for element of class `Class`. - LeafLength = 1 - LeafTopDiameter = 2 - LeafBottomDiameter = 2 - LeafAlpha = 0 - LeafBeta = 0 - FruitLength = 1 - FruitTopDiameter = 1 - FruitBottomDiameter = 1 - FruitAlpha = 0 - FruitBeta = 0 - FlowerLength = 10 - FlowerTopDiameter = 5 - FlowerBottomDiameter = 5 - FlowerAlpha = 180 - FlowerBeta = 0 - DefaultTrunkCategory = 0 - DefaultDistance = 1000 - NbPlantsPerLine = 6 # Colors for interpolation - MediumThreshold - MinThreshold - MaxThreshold Defining only top and bottom radius rather than width and height imply an axial or radial symmetry which is often the case for plant (leaves, branches, fruit). """ self.classes = kwds.get('Classes', {}) self.branch_patterns = kwds.get('BranchPatterns', {}) self.leaf_class = kwds.get('LeafClass') self.flower_class = kwds.get('FlowerClass') self.fruit_class = kwds.get('FruitClass') self.length_unit = kwds.get('LengthUnit',1) self.diameter_unit = kwds.get('DiameterUnit',1) self.azimuth_unit = kwds.get('AzimuthUnit', 180/pi) self.alpha_unit = kwds.get('AlphaUnit', 180/pi) self.default_edge = kwds.get('DefaultEdge') self.default_alpha= kwds.get('DefaultAlpha', 30) self.default_teta= kwds.get('DefaultTeta', 0) self.default_phi= kwds.get('DefaultPhi', 0) self.default_psi= kwds.get('DefaultPsi', 0) self.min_length = kwds.get('MinLength', {}) self.min_topdia = kwds.get('MinTopDiameter', {}) self.min_botdia = kwds.get('MinBottomDiameter', {}) self.leaf_class= kwds.get('LeafClass', 'L') self.leaf_length = kwds.get('LeafLength', 50) self.leaf_topdia = kwds.get('LeafTopDiameter', 5) self.leaf_botdia = kwds.get('LeafBottomDiameter', 5) self.leaf_alpha = kwds.get('LeafAlpha', 30) self.leaf_beta= kwds.get('LeafBeta', 180) self.fruit_class= kwds.get('FruitClass', 'F') self.fruit_length = kwds.get('FruitLength', 50) self.fruit_topdia = kwds.get('FruitTopDiameter', 5) self.fruit_botdia = kwds.get('FruitBottomDiameter', 5) self.fruit_alpha = kwds.get('FruitAlpha', 30) self.fruit_beta= kwds.get('FruitBeta', 180) self.flower_class= kwds.get('FlowerClass', 'W') self.flower_length = kwds.get('FlowerLength', 50) self.flower_topdia = kwds.get('FlowerTopDiameter', 5) self.flower_botdia = kwds.get('FlowerBottomDiameter', 5) self.flower_alpha = kwds.get('FlowerAlpha', 30) self.flower_beta= kwds.get('FlowerBeta', 180) self.min_threshold = kwds.get('MinThreshold',(0,255,0)) self.medium_threshold = kwds.get('MediumThreshold',(18,13,2)) self.max_threshold = kwds.get('MinThreshold',(0,255,255)) self.nb_whorl = kwds.get('Whorl', 2) # Symbols is a dict between a name and a geom object self.symbols = {}
# TODO: finish all the possible args. # Refactor on smaller elements build separetly: # - geometric properties by organs (leaves, flower, fruits). # - geometric parameters for the plant # - phyllotaxy, position between plants, ... def dressing_data_from_file(fn): f=open(fn) dresser = dressing_data(f) f.close() return dresser def dressing_data(file): """ Parse a dressing data file and return a Dressing Data object. """ dresser = DressingData() grammar = Reader(dresser) words = [] line = 0 for l in file: line+=1 l = l.strip() if l.startswith('#') or not l: continue else: status = grammar.parse(l, line) print('\n'.join(grammar.errors)) return dresser ############################################################### ## Define the parser which is just a dict from keyword to a function class Reader(object): def __init__(self, dresser): self.dresser = dresser self.build_grammar() self.init() def init(self): self.errors = [] self.smbpath = None def parse(self, l, line): """ Parse a line and update the dresser. Parse a line of a dressing file by calling the appropriate function and update the dresser object with the new values. TODO: Error management """ self.line = line words = l.split() if words[0] in self.grammar: key = words[0] # process the line f = self.grammar[key] f(words) else: self._add_error(l, 'Unable to parse this line') return True def build_grammar(self): self.grammar = {} grammar = self.grammar grammar['SMBPath'] = self.smb_path grammar['SMBModel'] = self.smb_model grammar['Class'] = self.klass grammar['BranchPattern'] = self.branch_pattern grammar['LeafClass'] = self.leaf_klass grammar['FlowerClass'] = self.flower_klass grammar['FruitClass'] = self.fruit_klass grammar['LengthUnit'] = self.length_unit grammar['DiameterUnit'] = self.diameter_unit grammar['AlphaUnit'] = self.alpha_unit grammar['AzimuthUnit'] = self.azimuth_unit grammar['DefaultEdge'] = self.default_edge grammar['DefaultAlpha'] = self.default_alpha grammar['DefaultTeta'] = self.default_teta grammar['DefaultPhi'] = self.default_phi grammar['DefaultPsi'] = self.default_psi grammar['DefaultTrunkCategory'] =self.default_trunk_category grammar['DefaultCategory'] = self.default_category grammar['Alpha'] =self.alpha grammar['Phyllotaxy'] = self.phyllotaxy grammar['MinLength'] = self.min_length grammar['MinTopDiameter'] = self.min_top_diameter grammar['MinBottomDiameter'] = self.min_bottom_diameter grammar['LeafLength'] = self.leaf_length grammar['LeafTopDiameter'] = self.leaf_topdia grammar['LeafBottomDiameter'] = self.leaf_botdia grammar['LeafAlpha'] = self.leaf_alpha grammar['LeafBeta'] = self.leaf_beta grammar['FruitLength'] = self.fruit_length grammar['FruitTopDiameter'] = self.fruit_topdia grammar['FruitBottomDiameter'] = self.fruit_botdia grammar['FruitAlpha'] = self.fruit_alpha grammar['FruitBeta'] = self.fruit_beta grammar['FlowerLength'] = self.flower_length grammar['FlowerTopDiameter'] = self.flower_topdia grammar['FlowerBottomDiameter'] = self.flower_botdia grammar['FlowerAlpha'] = self.flower_alpha grammar['FlowerBeta'] = self.flower_beta grammar['DefaultTrunkCategory'] = self.def_trunk_cat grammar['DefaultDistance'] = self.def_dist grammar['NbPlantsPerLine'] = self.nbplants_line grammar['MediumThreshold'] = self.med_thres grammar['MinThreshold'] = self.min_thres grammar['MaxThreshold'] = self.max_thres def _add_error(self, l, note=''): msg = 'ERROR (%d): %s'%(self.line, ' '.join(l)) if note: msg = '\n'.join([msg, ' --> %s'%note]) self.errors.append(msg) def smb_path(self, l): "SMBPath = path" p = l[2] if os.path.exists(p): self.smbpath = p else: self._add_error(l, 'Invalid path') def smb_model(self, l): "SMBModel node = nentn105" if not self.smbpath: return name = l[1] file = l[3]+'.smb' absfile = os.path.join(self.smbpath, file) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.smbpath, file)): geom = AmapSymbol(absfile) if geom.isValid(): self.dresser.symbols[name] = geom else: self._add_error(l, 'Impossible to locate symbol file') def klass (self, l): "Class B = node" class_name = l[1] smb_name = l[3] d = self.dresser if smb_name in d.symbols: d.classes[class_name] = smb_name else: self._add_error(l, '%s is not defined'%smb_name) def branch_pattern (self, l): "BranchPattern apple_forms = file.crv" self._add_error(l, 'BranchPattern is not yet implemented') def leaf_klass (self, l): "LeafClass = Z" name = l[2] d = self.dresser if name in d.symbols: d.leaf_class = name else: self._add_error(l, '%s is not defined'%name) def flower_klass(self, l): "FlowerClass = Z" name = l[2] d = self.dresser if name in d.symbols: d.flower_class = name else: self._add_error(l, '%s is not defined'%name) def fruit_klass (self, l): "FruitClass = Z" name = l[2] d = self.dresser if name in d.symbols: d.fruit_class = name else: self._add_error(l, '%s is not defined'%name) def length_unit(self, l): "LengthUnit = 1" unit = l[2] try: self.dresser.length_unit = float(unit) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad unit format') def diameter_unit(self, l): "DiameterUnit = 1" unit = l[2] try: self.dresser.diameter_unit = float(unit) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad unit format') def alpha_unit(self, l): "AlphaUnit = 1" unit = l[2] try: self.dresser.alpha_unit = float(unit) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad unit format') def azimuth_unit(self, l): "AzimuthUnit = 1" unit = l[2] try: self.dresser.azimuth_unit = float(unit) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad unit format') def default_edge(self, l): "DefaultEdge = PLUS | LESS" edge_type = l[2] if edge_type in ['PLUS', 'LESS']: self.default_edge = edge_type else: self._add_error(l, 'Bad edge format') def default_alpha(self, l): angle = l[2] try: self.dresser.default_alpha = float(angle) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad angle format') def default_teta(self, l): angle = l[2] try: self.dresser.default_teta= float(angle) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad angle format') def default_phi(self, l): angle = l[2] try: self.dresser.default_phi= float(angle) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad angle format') def default_psi (self, l): angle = l[2] try: self.dresser.default_psi= float(angle) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad angle format') def default_trunk_category(self, l): pass def default_category(self, l): pass def alpha(self, l): "Alpha = Absolute | Relative" _alpha = l[2] if _alpha in ['Absolute', 'Relative']: self.dresser.alpha = _alpha else: self._add_error(l, 'Should be Absolute or Relative ') def phyllotaxy(self, l): angle = l[2] try: self.dresser.phyllotaxy= float(angle) except: self._add_error(l) def min_length(self, l): "MinLenght A = 10" name = l[1] value = l[3] self.dresser.min_length[name] = float(value) def min_top_diameter(self, l): "MinTopDiameter A = 10" name = l[1] value = l[3] self.dresser.min_topdia[name] = float(value) def min_bottom_diameter(self, l): "MinBottomDiameter A = 10" name = l[1] value = l[3] self.dresser.min_botdia[name] = float(value) def leaf_length(self, l): "LeafLength = 100" value = l[2] try: self.dresser.leaf_length= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def leaf_topdia(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.leaf_topdia= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def leaf_botdia(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.leaf_botdia= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def leaf_alpha(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.leaf_alpha= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def leaf_beta(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.leaf_beta= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def fruit_length(self, l): "LeafLength = 100" value = l[2] try: self.dresser.fruit_length= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def fruit_topdia(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.fruit_topdia= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def fruit_botdia(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.fruit_botdia= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def fruit_alpha(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.fruit_alpha= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def fruit_beta(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.fruit_beta= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def flower_length(self, l): "LeafLength = 100" value = l[2] try: self.dresser.flower_length= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def flower_topdia(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.flower_topdia= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def flower_botdia(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.flower_botdia= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def flower_alpha(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.flower_alpha= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def flower_beta(self, l): value = l[2] try: self.dresser.flower_beta= float(value) except: self._add_error(l, 'Bad format') def def_trunk_cat(self, l): pass def def_dist(self, l): pass def nbplants_line(self, l): pass def med_thres(self, l): pass def min_thres(self, l): pass def max_thres(self, l): pass